Thursday, October 18, 2007

Weight Released!

This past Monday, I was making breakfast and this quick thought came to me about weighing myself. I hadn't weighed myself for weeks. It's not something I do very often because I know what it can do to my mind. I told myself, "No, you shouldn't do that. It may discourage you and it may make you want to eat more." And then the Lord told me it was ok, so I did. I got out the scale, stepped on it and couldn't believe my eyes! I released 5 pounds!! Praise God! I was super excited. I haven't seen my weight that low in a long, long time!

All the glory goes to the Lord!! He did it! And this was with NOT exercising, NOT eating "healthy" food, and NOT being consumed with food. Praise the Lord!! This was done with spending time with Him, allowing Him to reach into those places of my heart, eating mindfully without distractions, and eating when I was hungry and stopping when I was full. God's way is the best way!!

Oh, and I wanted to mention too that I've been noticing the flavor of food. I think it's because I'm actually slowing down to eat and wow, the textures and tastes amazing!

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