Thursday, August 23, 2007

Addicted to Stress?

Yeah...what a question! But I could be, I really could be. I started reading a book last night by Dr. Don Colbert called Deadly Emotions. My mother-in-law bought it for me knowing that I've dealt with some stressful things in my life that have effected my physical body. In the last few months I have realized just how much stress effects me through headaches, stomach problems, break-outs on my face, etc. It's so interesting to me. So I'm thinking this book will be full of some good information and will explain more things to me.

And so I wonder if I have been addicted to stress. Dr. Colbert talks about how people become addicted that the adrenaline rush and live from one stress to another. Last night I really wanted to find a book or something to read that would help me grow in different areas, like being nicer or something (ha), but I realized that I was trying to find something to help another flaw I might have in my life. (I really am a nice person by the way. Ha!) I have bought SO many books to "help" me. And they are all Christian books, but just because something is a good thing doesn't mean it's a GOD thing. They are excellent books, but outside of God's timing, I'm really wasting my time. I want HIS help! He has lead me to read books, half of books, etc. to teach me things. And when He's the one leading me to those books, it's awesome, but when it's on my own, I start to panic. All of a sudden I'm feeling pressure that I *have* to do those things the book says and I need to be perfect in this area right away. Information is good, but for me, too much information is an ugly thing.

In the last year I have gained 10-15 pounds and I truly believe it's from stress. That cortisol has gone right to my tummy!

So I am going to be praying and asking the Lord to help me relax (more) and for His peace that passes all understanding. I have nothing to worry about! God is my pilot, and He will lead me beside still waters. He will be with me as I walk through the valleys. He will NEVER leave me or forsake me. He is my comfort!!


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