Thursday, August 23, 2007


Tonight I spent sometime with some ladies who were selling products for different companies. One of the companies was a clothing line company. I was urged to try on some of the clothes and "model" them. So I did. They kept on commenting on how good I looked and how they would never be able to pull such an outfit off like I could. And I came away from that experience amazed. I do feel so much better about the way I look. It was an encouraging time.

I explained to my husband tonight that I have a hard time relaxing and enjoying my life because I feel like I should always be doing something productive. That's why I have read so many "self-help" books because I think that I'm still doing something productive. For many years I wouldn't read fiction because I thought it was a waste of time and I should really be learning something instead of actually enjoying reading. In the last year I have learned to enjoy reading fiction again, but right now I'm going through a spurt where I almost feel guilty for reading for enjoyment. There are many things I enjoy doing, but I really have to settle down before I allow myself to do them. But I am learning and I will continue to learn to relax. My husband encouraged me that maybe reading that book by Dr. Colbert isn't what I should be reading right now as it's another book that I'm trying to use to figure something out. And he's right. So I will probably lay that book to rest for the time being.

But I did pick up another book I started reading in January again tonight and found myself chuckling. It's called How to Stop Worrying and Start Living by Dale Carnegie. It's a good book with common-sense ways to overcome worry. I highly recommend it. I've only read through half of the book and the part I did read in the beginning of the year has helped me through so much so far. This book is for encouragement, not a "fixer" for me. That's what I think right now anyway. Ha!

I have to be careful right now to make sure I enJOY my life to the fullest! And to make sure I do that on purpose.

You know, I'm going to start living life right NOW and to live in the, I'm not going to be stupid and not plan ahead for those things that need planning (the Lord knows I do enough of that anyway). But I'm tired of constantly worrying about what ifs and holding my breath for "just in case", and regretting something I said or did the day before. I cannot do anything NOW about those things from before or that are before me, but I can live my life right now and enjoy right NOW what God has blessed me with.

Five things I'm thankful for right this moment (this is something I would like to think of each day--but I may not post it):

1. My husband, who is so wise, wonderful, and patient.
2. For my kitties, who bring such joy into my life.
3. For my friends, who support me and love me no matter what.
4. For indoor plumbing (I could kiss the person who invented the toilet! Now come on, I know you are thankful for that too! Ha!)
5. For the sound of the rain...oh, it's beautiful!

"Every good gift and every perfect (free, large, full) gift is from above; it comes down from the Father of all [that gives] light, in [the shining of] Whom there can be no variation [rising or setting] or shadow cast by His turning [as in an eclipse]." James 1:17

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